Monday, October 1, 2018

Homemade Hair Conditioners to Try Next Time You Shower

These five homemade conditioners rejuvenate your hair without stripping it of natural oils or overloading it with chemicals.

Creating your own natural hair conditioner is a great way to provide your locks with much needed nutrients.

These homemade recipes rejuvenate your hair and scalp without stripping them of natural oils or overloading them with chemicals.

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Plus, many of the ingredients in these homemade recipes are already stashed away in your kitchen cupboard. So, making them is not only easy but saves you money in the long run.

It’s vital to remember that the health of your hair starts from within. Eat wholesome, nutritious food, allowing the outside to radiate (i.e. your hair, nails and skin).

Foods rich in Vitamin A, C E, iron, calcium and zinc will help to prevent dry, damaged and oily hair.

Try sweet potato, lettuce, kale, broccoli, mango, papaya, tomatoes and pumpkin seeds to start.

5 DIY Hair Conditioners For Healthy Hair

Adaptogens: Natural Stress-Busting Herbs

The word adaptogen literally means to fit for a purpose and bring to birth. What makes adaptogens so unique as natural remedies is that they work to benefit the body as a whole. They are anti-aging in the sense that they benefit the body.

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As a holistic medicine, they do not have one specific purpose, but instead serve the purpose to bring the body back to balance by balancing various physiological functions. To put it simply, adaptogenic herbs help the individual adapt to the stresses one encounters.

Adaptogens: Natural Stress-Busting Herbs

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), a practitioner treats the body as a whole, rather than treating symptoms. Ancient practitioners of holistic medicine have known for thousands of years that everything in the body is intrinsically connected.